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Park's Municipalities

The Alcantara river derives from the Arabic Al Quantarah or "the bridge".
According to many historical evidences, the river has been called in different ways from time to time: from the Greeks who called the river Akesines or Assinos, to Pliny the Elder who named it Asines, from Appiano Alessandrino it was called Onobalas, for Frederick III of Aragon instead the river took the name of Flumen Cantaris.

All the Park Municipalities therefore present numerous historical evidences, deserving a thorough visit to learn more about the origins of the Valley and the natural environments of remarkable naturalistic and landscape value.

Regione SiciliaPAI SiciliaDistretto Taormina-Etna
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E-mail: info@parcoalcantara.it - Certified mail: parcoalcantara@pec.it - C.F. 96005940836