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Dèstination Nature for Alcantara Park

Paris, from 5th to 7th April 2013

( Francavilla di Sicilia, 28 March 2013 )

Alcantara Park is going to take part to the "Dèstination Nature - Salon des Randonnèes" Fair, which is taking place in Paris from 5th to 7th April. On that occasion the Alcantara's Valley - situated only a few steps far from Taormina and very near Mount Etna - will be presented to the international public. These places are really appreciated by international tourists and especially by those who are keen on hiking and on "en plein air" holidays.
An other occasion for the Park's proposals to be more visible, also thanks to the new website www.parcoalcantara.it and its new english and french versions. By the institutional stand which will host both representatives and operators from the Alcantara Park, a space will be dedicated to the presentation of the nature itineraries, the local products tastings and the Park's initiatives as well.
(Read more in Italian)

Dèstination Nature for Alcantara Park
Dèstination Nature for Alcantara Park
Regione SiciliaPAI SiciliaDistretto Taormina-Etna
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