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Young people taking part to the "Breaking down barriers Europe for all" project visit the Alcantara park.

A day to live nature and to know the only River Park in Sicily.

( Francavilla di Sicilia, 11 February 2013 )

The above mentioned reasons led 50 young people from Bulgaria, Latvia, Holland, Poland, Romania and Italy to visit Alcantara's territory.
(Read more in Italian)

Young people taking part to the "Breaking down barriers Europe for all" project  visit the Alcantara park.
Young people taking part to the "Breaking down barriers Europe for all" project visit the Alcantara park.
Young people taking part to the "Breaking down barriers Europe for all" project  visit the Alcantara park.
Young people taking part to the "Breaking down barriers Europe for all" project visit the Alcantara park.
Regione SiciliaPAI SiciliaDistretto Taormina-Etna
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