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Conference on the enhancement of Sicily's Parks and Nature Reserves.

( Francavilla di Sicilia, 04 February 2013 )

The conference entitled "La valorizzazione dei parchi e delle riserve naturali in Sicilia" (Enhancement of Sicily's Parks and Nature Reserves) and organized by the Lions 108 Yb District within the club's annual activities took place in Taormina.
Throughout the day the activities were coordinated by Andrea Donsì, responsible for the district's membership activities, and many experts as well as operators from the parks and the protected areas intervened.Bruno De Vita, President of Alcantara Park, believes the meeting represented an important moment of reflection on the need to "build a system" with the respective operators and between the protected areas: at first it is anyway necessary to make the whole Park's Community aware of the above mentioned needs. "For this reason", said the President during his speech, "I'm always looking for the dialog with the locals to implement a real bottom-up approach in order to make them feel part and parcel of the Park Authority's activities."

Bruno Mancuso, vice president of the Nebrodi Park, dwelled on the interventions realized by the Park Authority since 1993 - when it was founded - until today: thanks to the PITs-Progetti integrati territoriali (Territorial Integrated Progects) the Park could recover many precious buildings to make them useful for the public again, and it carries out a scientific monitoring action through specific projects, such as the reintroduction of the Griffon Vulture project.
(Read more in Italian)

I lavori del Convegno nella Chiesa di S. Francesco di Paola
I lavori del Convegno nella Chiesa di S. Francesco di Paola
Alcune immagini dello stand del Parco dell'Alcantara
Alcune immagini dello stand del Parco dell'Alcantara
Da sinistra: Il Presidente Bruno De Vita e Marcello D'Amore, Sindaco di Graniti e componente Comitato Esecutivo del Parco
Da sinistra: Il Presidente Bruno De Vita e Marcello D'Amore, Sindaco di Graniti e componente Comitato Esecutivo del Parco
Regione SiciliaPAI SiciliaDistretto Taormina-Etna
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